Thursday, August 5, 2010

I'm becoming my mother...

Mothermorphosis.  It happens to all of us young women.  It's the thing we dread the most, yet secretly love on the inside:
We become our mothers...
Growing up, we try to resist it as much as we can because EVERYONE knows that their mom is SO lame... but suddenly, one day we catch ourselves saying a phrase our mother has coined.  Shocked, we pause... regain ourselves... and carry on as our own individual persona - swearing up and down that it was just a fluke, and it will never happen again.


Slowly and surely we notice that we react to things similarly to how our mothers react.  Our voices start to sound like theirs.  The way we talk is just the same.  And finally - the end all be all of mothermorphosis - we act JUST like them.

Here are some ways I am becoming my mother:
  • We have the same face.
  • We talk to ourselves and talk ourselves through things.
  • We use the same ridiculous made-up words.
  • Our phraseology is the same.
  • I am starting to become "teacherly."  Better yet, "kindergarten teacherly."
  • I often find myself walking into a room, stopping, and saying aloud to myself, "What did I come in here for?"  (Happens WAY more often than it ever should.)
  • I do silly things by accident.  For example:  At work, I picked up the computer mouse and held it up to my ear to listen for the dial tone to make sure it was working.  Well, I meant to pick up the phone.  Oops...
I'm sure there are LOTS of other ways I am becoming my mother, and I'll update the list as my mothermorphosis continues.  But that's just a few examples for now.

But ladies, take heart!  There's no shame in becoming your mother.  After all, she raised you (probably).  And she taught you right from wrong, good and bad, essentials of life.  She's not all that lame in reality, probably.  After a few years of maturity, I think that probably most women appreciate their mothers for who they are and the unique relationships we have with them.

Ladies, leave me a comment of how you're becoming YOUR mother! I'd love to hear it!

Until next time, folks.

1 comment:

  1. I'll take this as a compliment...probably. ;o) And just so you know, I have my mother's face, her love of music, and we use(d) the same silly baby talk phrases when holding infants.


So, what are your thoughts?