Tuesday, July 27, 2010

4 Miles, eh?

I just got back from run/walking a 4 mile loop.  It's part of my training for my half-marathon.  And you know what?  It wasn't that bad!  I mean, I certainly did my fair share of walking, but there's no shame in that!  I finished way before I thought I was going to.  It didn't even feel like 4 miles, but according to Google Earth, it certainly was! 

That makes me so excited!  My race is not till November, but it's good to know that I'm making progress even now!  Our training program is a 12-week program, and technically from the day we started, we had 14 weeks till the race, so I'm pretty much on schedule, even though I felt like I was behind.

I'll say one thing.  It really helps to have an ipod while running.  I haven't used my ipod in so many months, because somehow my charger cord went missing... I don't think I lost it, since I hardly ever use the thing, but somehow it walked away from my possession.  At work, there was a random ipod cord laying on our desk, and I put a note by it saying someone should claim it or I was going to take it.  No one claimed it, and my friend Kyle even left a note on there saying the cord barely worked, but hey! Barely working is better than no cord at all!  So I took it.  I definitely had to hold the cord in place the entire time my ipod was charging/synching, but it was so worth it!  I put that tiny little 2GB nano on shuffle and shuffled my way around the block! 

I'll admit, I still feel huge and nasty, but hopefully if I can dedicate myself to this training, and maybe catch back up on some Kim Kardashian time, maybe I'll slim down.  I'm ready to be thin.

It feels good to exercise.  I always hate the initial preparation for exercising - mostly psychological preparation - but I always enjoy how I feel afterward.  Even if I was sweatier than I was all last week at camp after a matter of only 45 minutes, it doesn't matter.  My body will thank me for it later.  And I get such an energy rush afterward! Love it!

I guess I should shower now.  I'm stinky.  Then I'll probably curl up in bed and watch Chelsea Lately.  I love that show.  She's so ridiculous.

Until next time!


1 comment:

  1. I'm ready to be thin as well girl.
    Also, the hardest part for me is the psychological preparation part as well. Bleh. Oh, and getting out of bed. lol


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