Thursday, May 6, 2010



My trip is all paid for!  I got so many wonderful donations for my Honduras mission trip!  I ran by the church today (ok, actually I drove...) and talked to the mission coordinator and his assistant, and we looked at my account.  I actually got so many donations that I have MORE than enough money!  For everyone that helped me out or prayed for God to provide, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!

When I saw the list of who all had donated towards my trip, and when I began what seemed like an endless pile of Thank-You notes, I realized that I have a wonderful support system behind me.  Not only do I have a great family, but I have a great home church family - people who have known me since I was a child and have continually supported me through the years.  I'm very fortunate.  Not a lot of people have that.

So, thank you to all of you out there who love me and want to help me succeed! :-)

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