Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's a New Year!

It's been ages since my last blog post. In fact, I haven't posted anything since last year! (ba dum ching!) But it's the start of a new year, and the close of an old one, and it's time for me to collect my thoughts, evaluate my life, and, well, write about it.


I haven't made any "resolutions" for the past few years. Mostly because I tend to not follow through with them. There aren't many things in my life that I can resolve to do and completely follow through with. Frankly, my life is just too... hmm... transitional? right now. I don't think transitional is the right word, but it's all I can come up with. What I mean to say is, I can't resolve to eat healthy every day, because sometimes things come up and in order to be nice, or for convenience sake, I have to eat what I'm given or eat junk. I can't resolve to exercise every day, because sometimes there really isn't an extra minute in my day to do even one crunch.

The resolutions I can make are things like resolving to treat my body in a way that is helpful and not harmful. This means acknowledging that some foods are unhealthy and should be eaten rarely. This means I cannot gorge myself even on healthy foods. This means that my body needs plenty of water to perform basic functions. This means that my body must be exercised and used to keep it strengthened. Etcetera.

I can also resolve to strengthen my relationship with God. I'll be honest and say that this last year, I've let God go a bit. I haven't been faithful to pray daily, even weekly, sometimes. I've definitely been living my life as if I'm in charge and that's all that matters. One year ago, I was in the best place I could be in my Christian "walk," and now, I'm trudging along. Still keeping pace, but not with the enthusiasm as before. I need to get that back.

As far as anything else? I just don't know. I have trouble committing to purchasing a pair of jeans. OF COURSE I have trouble committing to a years worth of "goals."

Get Thin in 2010

My girlfriends and I have decided to make the "theme" for this year Get Thin in 2010. (Also, it's Get Some Men in 2010, but I already have one, thanks.) I'm pretty pumped about this. I've let myself go. I'm tired of it. I'm tired of looking at my body in the mirror and not being happy with what I see. Not feeling pretty.

I've never been thin. I take that back. I was drop dead gorgeous when I was in preschool. lol. But seriously, I've never been thin. I was not raised in a thin household. I wasn't raised being taught that exercise is important and eating right is important. I never was dedicated to a sport. I've grown up in an overweight household who eats what they want whenever they want to, and doesn't exercise because they either just don't feel like it, don't want to, or are too tired. That's no good. I enjoy exercise. I just make too many excuses to get myself out of doing it. I want to change that.

I want to be the person that catches eyes. I want to be healthy and feel really good about myself. I always think about the future, specifically when I'm a mom, and I always picture myself as the beautiful, fit mom that fixes amazing food, has a gorgeous yard, and always looks good even when she rolls out of bed. That stuff doesn't just happen over night. I need to make serious, committed changes in my life to get headed in that direction.

In Other News

I just have some other stuff that I want to write about. Because, why not?

So, about a month ago, my roommate informed me that she didn't want to renew our lease because she wanted to get her own place so she could "get a dog." Oy. I have stress in my life now because I have to find a new apartment. I'm OK with living by myself, and actually, I prefer it. I lived by myself this summer, and it was amazing. I could do what I wanted, cook what I wanted, watch what I wanted on TV, come and go and not worry about what I would come home to. Perfect. I'm really excited about getting a new place come August. Trouble is, I need a cheap place. And furniture. Womp womp. That's enough of that whining.

On to love. I just love that Jason Palmer Thompson, fella. He's pretty cool. Honestly, I'm so happy with our relationship. It's really going in a great direction, and that makes me so excited! We've been together almost 7 months now. I'm really looking forward to this year with him. He's got a lot of things that I know he wants to accomplish this year, and I really hope he has the motivation to get it all done. I hope I can be supportive of him through all of it. Because some of it is pretty tricky stuff.

'Tis All.

That's all I have for now. Hopefully I'll blog more this year, too, but I'm not going to resolve to it. ;-)

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