Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lord, I was borrrrn a ramblin' [wo]man...

I think I'm just going to ramble for a little bit. Why? Because I'm at work, it's 9:45pm, and there's not a lot going on. I'm not in the mindset to craft an eloquent and whimsical blog post, but I want to say some things, I guess. So here goes.

Today I went to Plainfield and did makeup for the models at a Fashion Bug fashion show. I really need a GPS.  Yes, those two statements are related.  You see, I don't have a GPS currently, and I've been getting along ok without it.  In fact, I feel kind of proud of myself when I can travel "old school" with a map and some directions and the basic knowledge of cardinal directions and highways without having to rely on some woman telling me what to do.  However.  Google Maps just isn't cutting it these days.  Today I printed the directions from my apartment to the Fashion Bug in Plainfield.  Boy.  Am I glad I left early!  What was supposed to take about an hour ended up taking about an hour and 45 because I got "lost" a couple times due to faulty directions.  AND THEN I got all mixed up trying to get back home, too.  So that was pretty tragic and stressful.  So I think I'm at the point where I'd enjoy having a GPS.  I don't have a fancy phone with a fancy app that will do the trick, and I don't have a fancy car with a fancy built-in GPS system.  So, I probably don't need a fancy GPS either.  Just one that gets me to and fro.  I'd like it for Christmas, please.  Anyway, back to the models.  So, after I finally found where I was supposed to be, I did makeup on two models.  (Jennifer, another Consultant, was there too, and she did 2 models as well.)  It was a good time.  We didn't have ANY idea what to expect when we got there.  Good thing we're flexible!  That was my first experience putting makeup ON someone's face.  Usually I just give application directions, teaching women how to do things themselves so they can go home and replicate it.  But I was better than I thought I would be!  It makes me excited to do things like this in the future.

What can I ramble about next... Ah, TV.  Jason and I caught up on a TON of TV in the last few days.  I'm excited for all the fall shows that are back again!  Some new shows that are in my life are: Raising Hope, Up All Night (FUNNY!), and The New Girl.  Let me just tell you.  The New Girl is totally me.  I know, I know... everybody thinks that the main character of a TV show or a movie is "totally them," but I'm pretty serious about this one.  I tried not to say anything about it as we were watching the show because I didn't want to be cliche, but after it was over, I said, "Why is she me?"  And Jason said, "I don't know, but she just is. :-/"  (Yeah. He totally said the slanty face part.  With his face.)  I hope she proves me wrong during the rest of the series.  I hope she's not me, because I see me everyday.  I would love to see someone else.  Who's that girl?  IT'S JESS!

Did I mention how frustrated I was with those horrible directions to Plainfield today?  SO frustrated. I wasted a quarter-tank of gas!  That's so ridiculous... Ugh. Can't get over it.

So, I picked out my wedding dress!  It's the one I loved from the start.  I'm just excited that I made a decision about it.  It had a little bit of competition with another dress, but then when I tried it on again on a different day, I just forgot all about that other dress. I'm SO EXCITED!! It's so pretty!!!  When I went and tried it on yesterday, some random woman in the store said, "Oh wow. That dress was made for you."  Totes the right dress.  Time to get skinny I guess!  The sales associate lady told me that it would take 15 weeks for the dress to come in (because I'm getting extra length put at the bottom so I can actually wear a little bit of a heel).  I've got time.  I've got motivation.  I just need some ACTION!  HELP!  (It's so hard to be skinny when you're lazy!)

My best friend ran a 5K today.  Maybe I should run again.  This time last year I was about to run a half-marathon.  OK. Run/walk a half-marathon - who am I trying to kid. lol  I'd like to get back to that point, if not farther.  So... looks like I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow!  After church and a Mary Kay party, that is! :-)

I suppose that's enough rambling for now.  I've successfully used up 18 minutes of my shift :-)  Thanks for reading!  You're a champ for reading this whole thing!


  1. LOVE Up All Night. It's hilarious! Good choice girl. :)

  2. girl, i loved reading your ramblin post. 1. I agree with the gps/directions thing... Googlemaps/mapquest seem to ALWAYS be wrong lately. 2. I don't really think you need to lose weight to be skinny for a dress that you look AMAZING in already, but I'm sure you will be able to do it! :)


So, what are your thoughts?