I couldn't think of a more creative title. I know. That's so not like me.
The last time I blogged was almost a month ago. Man, what's my deal? I need to get back to this thing. You people REALLY want to know what's going on in my life, and I'm letting you down. I apologize from the depths of my heart.
Where to start, where to start...
I hate Comcast.
Now, "Hate," my friends, is a strong word. And I do not use it regularly. But if and when I do use it, it is only in regards to non-human things. I never hate people. That's a horrible thing to do. But if there's one thing I hate recently, it's bloody Comcast.
I don't know why I ever thought it would be a good idea to get hooked on cable television, but I just can't help myself. I guess my old apartment did it to me, since they provided cable and internet to us. Now that I'm in my new place, I have to pay for it separate, which means I have to deal with the cable company. And it blows. I've called 1-800-COMCAST far too many times in the last month.
First - I had the initial installation appointment where the sloppy, smelly technician came out to my apartment, complained, messed up, complained some more, stunk up my apartment (I mean, it WAS like 100 degrees outside, so I'll cut him a LITTLE slack, but still. He smelled like funk.), and barely did his job.
Then - I had cable. It was wonderful. Jason hooked up his Tivo to my TV, and we could record all our favorite shows, no problem. I was watching HGTV like 24/7. Life was grand! :-)
Then It Happened - The "Digital Migration." I still don't 100% understand what the "Digital Migration" means, but all I know is I lost about a million channels and instead of shows I saw a message that said, "Call xxx-xxx-xxxx for a free adapter." Excuse me?! So I got right on the phone. The first woman's computer froze up, so she transferred me to another woman, who, bless her heart, I wanted to beat up. She was the bearer of ALL KINDS of bad news.
First of all - It turns out that since they "knew everyone would eventually be digitally migrated and would require a cable box," that they didn't put a "filter" on what channels I was receiving. So all the channels I was originally getting weren't what I was paying for. They were like a trick. A mean old trick. So, I had to upgrade my services to receive most of the channels that I was already getting, except... and here's the kicker... I don't get HGTV now. Worst thing ever. So, I upgraded my services to the "Digital Economy" package, which is approx $10 more per month. Whatever. I went to the Comcast office to pick up my digital box, and MAN! People hate Comcast. There were a BUNCH of people there, and none of them were happy.
So - I get my new box, take it home, set it up, and get no channels. Ugh. 1-800-COMCAST.
Then - I have cable! It's great. It's complicated, because now I have 3 remotes, but it's great.
Oops - I'm not getting like 30 channels. 1-800-COMCAST. By this point, an automatic woman basically has 10 minute long conversations with me every time I call, and I can't stand that. PLEASE let me just talk to a live human being. I'm no a robot. I don't want to talk to one.
Finally - after the fake woman sends a refresh signal and it fails, I call the Comcast number AGAIN and finally talk to a real woman. She resets the box, and it works after a little while. Thanks.
Oops - The next day MTV disappears. I mean, OK. I can LIVE without MTV, but if I'm paying for it, I want it. Sometimes you just need to watch Teen Mom. I didn't get a chance to call back about that, and I haven't actually checked in a couple days. Hopefully it came back on its own. *crossing fingers*
Internet - I haven't had any issues with my internet really in all of this mess. I mean, sometimes it cuts out and that stinks, but it usually comes back in a few minutes. Alas, now I haven't had internet for a full 24 hours. And of course I'm working right now, so I can't call them. Whatever. I'll deal with them tomorrow. Ugh. Hate that.
The saga continues...
Weddings galore!
There are lots of weddings happening!! Diane and Jim got married last weekend! It was SUCH a beautiful wedding! :-) The reception was so fun, too! Let me tell you a funny story. So they put disposable cameras on the tables so we could take pictures for them to develop of the celebration! For those of you who remember anything about disposable cameras, let me remind you that when you activate the flash mechanism, it makes a reeeeeally high pitch sound. So high that only the younger folk can hear it. (As you age, your range of hearing decreases. Fact.) So, whilst sitting at the table before it was time for us to take WAY more food than we were supposed to, the young folk at our table were like, "Do you hear that? Someone left their flash on... Oh my gosh. That's so annoying! It hurts my ears!" We figured it out. The table of older ladies behind us had left their flash on and didn't realize it. How could we turn it off without flat out saying, "You can't hear this, but it's killing our youthful ears!" I had the perfect idea. "Let me take your picture!!" I used their camera, took their pictures, and turned off the flash :-) Problem solved!
The weekend after next, Jeremy and Samantha are getting married!! I'm so pumped for that wedding, too! It should be a really good time. I'm doing Sam's mom's hair. :-) It's nice to have only one head of hair to do for a wedding rather than six including my own. I mean, I do love it, but it's just nice. And I'm being "compensated" for my time. Thoughtful and considerate, I tell ya!
I'm sure there's more...
but frankly, this is already very long. I'll update more later. Promise. :-)
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