I just got back from run/walking a 4 mile loop. It's part of my training for my half-marathon. And you know what? It wasn't that bad! I mean, I certainly did my fair share of walking, but there's no shame in that! I finished way before I thought I was going to. It didn't even feel like 4 miles, but according to Google Earth, it certainly was!
That makes me so excited! My race is not till November, but it's good to know that I'm making progress even now! Our training program is a 12-week program, and technically from the day we started, we had 14 weeks till the race, so I'm pretty much on schedule, even though I felt like I was behind.
I'll say one thing. It really helps to have an ipod while running. I haven't used my ipod in so many months, because somehow my charger cord went missing... I don't think I lost it, since I hardly ever use the thing, but somehow it walked away from my possession. At work, there was a random ipod cord laying on our desk, and I put a note by it saying someone should claim it or I was going to take it. No one claimed it, and my friend Kyle even left a note on there saying the cord barely worked, but hey! Barely working is better than no cord at all! So I took it. I definitely had to hold the cord in place the entire time my ipod was charging/synching, but it was so worth it! I put that tiny little 2GB nano on shuffle and shuffled my way around the block!
I'll admit, I still feel huge and nasty, but hopefully if I can dedicate myself to this training, and maybe catch back up on some Kim Kardashian time, maybe I'll slim down. I'm ready to be thin.
It feels good to exercise. I always hate the initial preparation for exercising - mostly psychological preparation - but I always enjoy how I feel afterward. Even if I was sweatier than I was all last week at camp after a matter of only 45 minutes, it doesn't matter. My body will thank me for it later. And I get such an energy rush afterward! Love it!
I guess I should shower now. I'm stinky. Then I'll probably curl up in bed and watch Chelsea Lately. I love that show. She's so ridiculous.
Until next time!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
It just depends on the way you look at things sometimes...
Things that make me sad right now:
- I'm the biggest I've ever been in my life. My weight has fluctuated all my life, and currently it's at its peak.
- I'm moving in 1 week, and I only have 2 little tiny boxes packed.
- I'm already behind on my half-marathon training, and it's only been 2 weeks.
- I have 4 more hours left of work.
- Heard from my girl Charity, and it seems her vacation was a little rough.
- We're not at camp anymore.
- Being big is motivation to get littler!
- I'm moving in 1 week!!!! :-D I can't wait!
- I'm going to catch up on my running and training this afternoon/evening for my half-marathon. I got the training schedule yesterday, so now I finally have some guidance as to what I need to be doing!
- Work is half-way over! Only 3.75 hours left!
- I heard from my girl Charity! She loved seeing the new Harry Potter section at Universal Studios!
- I love air-conditioning and NOT smelling like a cabin full of old, sweaty men.
Monday, July 26, 2010
MAD Camp 2010
Well, folks, I just finished up MAD Camp 2010 on Saturday. I took a day to recover and do laundry yesterday, and today I'm back to work!
Camp was wonderful again this year. It always is. We did some special things this year, however. First of all, we had a worship band join us for the week. Indiana Wesleyan University sends out worship bands that go to different camps all summer as their ministry, and we were so lucky to have En Gedi leading us in worship! They also lead a songwriting workshop which was awesome, and they were in charge of the Cabin Olympics - which they turned into the Intergalactic Cabin Olympics. Hilarious.
Another special thing we did this year was dedicate an art project - a mosaic bench - to the memory of one of our friends and long-time camper, Sara Johnson, who we lost the first day of camp. She was killed in a car accident on Sunday, July 18. Her sister, Laini, was a camper that week, and her mother came by and picked her up for the night and spoke to the campers. It was so shocking to hear the news, and it was so hard for us cabin leaders to deal with because we had to mourn the loss of our friend and also try to keep a happy-camp-counselor face for our campers for the week. I'm so glad we dedicated the bench to her, though. Sara LOVED camp. It was her favorite place in the world, as it is for so many. I bet she smiled when we decided to put her name on it!
Sara's funeral and visitation was Thursday. Marly, Kendra, and I went during the first free-time, and the line was 2 hours long! (We ended up missing all of first free-time, second workshops, and some of second free-time, too. oops...) Sara certainly did touch a lot of people's lives! It was a difficult visitation. We saw her sisters, spoke to her mother, and were able to see Sara one last time. I'm so glad we went.
My cabin this year was awesome as usual. My girls won 3rd place in the Intergalactic Cabin Olympics! We were so proud!! :-) I made them beauty queen sashes that said, "Miss Union 1" on them. They loved them! Marly's cabin wore masks, Kendra's cabin wore shower caps (hilarious), Ella and Lindsey's cabin wore pink curly ribbons in their hair, Lacy's cabin (the winners) wore camo bandannas, and Charity's cabin wore pipe cleaner antennas in their hair. It was definitely the most festive year for the olympics!
I decorated my cabin in birthday theme. I had a couple things hanging from the ceiling and happy birthday streamers. My birthday was on Wednesday, so we had birthday all week in our cabin! On Wednesday, I gave the girls birthday hats, and I had a GIANT birthday hat myself. We invited the other girls' cabins for a dance party on Wednesday night. Good times. :-)
Camp always seems to fly by so fast, but this year, I think it went normally. Each day was memorable for one reason or another, and by the end of the week, everyone was pooped and tired and ready to go home. I had two little homesick sisters on the first day, but they shaped up for the rest of the week. But they were so excited to see their mom and dad on Saturday!
Back to work! I missed a staff meeting on Thursday... Hope I don't get in trouble!
Camp was wonderful again this year. It always is. We did some special things this year, however. First of all, we had a worship band join us for the week. Indiana Wesleyan University sends out worship bands that go to different camps all summer as their ministry, and we were so lucky to have En Gedi leading us in worship! They also lead a songwriting workshop which was awesome, and they were in charge of the Cabin Olympics - which they turned into the Intergalactic Cabin Olympics. Hilarious.
Another special thing we did this year was dedicate an art project - a mosaic bench - to the memory of one of our friends and long-time camper, Sara Johnson, who we lost the first day of camp. She was killed in a car accident on Sunday, July 18. Her sister, Laini, was a camper that week, and her mother came by and picked her up for the night and spoke to the campers. It was so shocking to hear the news, and it was so hard for us cabin leaders to deal with because we had to mourn the loss of our friend and also try to keep a happy-camp-counselor face for our campers for the week. I'm so glad we dedicated the bench to her, though. Sara LOVED camp. It was her favorite place in the world, as it is for so many. I bet she smiled when we decided to put her name on it!
Sara's funeral and visitation was Thursday. Marly, Kendra, and I went during the first free-time, and the line was 2 hours long! (We ended up missing all of first free-time, second workshops, and some of second free-time, too. oops...) Sara certainly did touch a lot of people's lives! It was a difficult visitation. We saw her sisters, spoke to her mother, and were able to see Sara one last time. I'm so glad we went.
My cabin this year was awesome as usual. My girls won 3rd place in the Intergalactic Cabin Olympics! We were so proud!! :-) I made them beauty queen sashes that said, "Miss Union 1" on them. They loved them! Marly's cabin wore masks, Kendra's cabin wore shower caps (hilarious), Ella and Lindsey's cabin wore pink curly ribbons in their hair, Lacy's cabin (the winners) wore camo bandannas, and Charity's cabin wore pipe cleaner antennas in their hair. It was definitely the most festive year for the olympics!

Camp always seems to fly by so fast, but this year, I think it went normally. Each day was memorable for one reason or another, and by the end of the week, everyone was pooped and tired and ready to go home. I had two little homesick sisters on the first day, but they shaped up for the rest of the week. But they were so excited to see their mom and dad on Saturday!
Back to work! I missed a staff meeting on Thursday... Hope I don't get in trouble!
Saturday, July 10, 2010
OK. I really need a step...
Well, today is Saturday. Yesterday was Friday, and that's when I started my weekend since I don't work on Fridays. It was SO nice not to have anything to do this weekend. For the last several weeks, I've been going to Evansville for the weekend, for one reason or another. As much as I love my family, it takes a LOT of energy to pack, drive there, spend the weekend with things to do, pack, and drive back. Not to mention it takes a lot of money out of my wallet for gas and whatnot. This weekend, I have ABSOLUTELY no plans. Nothing is on a schedule, and I didn't even make a list.
Yesterday, I woke up at 11:15. Whoa! I haven't slept in that long since high school, I think. It was kind of a bizarre feeling, because I woke up assuming it was about 8:30, but I quickly realized it was about lunch time. :-/ But it was ok. No plans, remember? So I ate a hearty breakfast and watched a LOT of TV. I watched a movie while I ate my breakfast. I never watch movies. But I happened to have rented one at a Red Box the day before, so I needed to watch it before 9pm. Then suddenly, 4 o'clock happened! So I decided I needed to be a functioning member of society and take a shower and get dressed and stuff.
My plan was to take out the trash, go to the recycling center, go to walmart, and then return the videos to the Red Box machine. I took out the trash, loaded all the recyclables into my trunk, grabbed my reusable bags, and set off! Too bad it was about 6pm when I rolled into the recycling place only to realize it closed at 5:30. Womp womp... On to Walmart. I got everything I needed and it all fit in my 2 reusable bags which made me happy :-) I have WAY too many plastic walmart-ish bags at my apartment. I mean, I use them as little trash bags and stuff, but I have SO many.
Anywho, after walmart, I wanted grab a healthy dinner and take it back home with me. I stopped at the drive-thru at Wendy's. I got a delicious pecan chicken salad. I asked for a baked potato, but they said it would be another 20 mins. Lame. Then the Red Box machine that I wanted to use was broken, so I had to drive out of my way to go to another one. So, I had 3 disappointments, but oh well! Overall, it was a pretty leisurely and productive day.
Today is Saturday. I woke up around 8:30 (typical). I ate some cereal and watched a little TV, and then I got into cleaning mode. I cleaned my bathroom, folded and put away some laundry, vacuumed the apartment and loaded the dishwasher. Not so bad. Then I wanted to do my 3rd Kim Kardashian DVD. It's the Butt Blasting Cardio Step DVD. I was going to try to do it without the step, since I don't have one yet, but I couldn't even get through the warm-up. It was just pointless without the step. I really need to get me one of those. Like, soon.
So instead of Kim Kardashian, I decided to do a couple of the 10 Minute Solution routines on the Fat Blasting Latin Dance Mix DVD that I have. I love that thing. It is SO much fun! If anyone is looking for a workout DVD that is FUN and that you can do for a short period of time (because everyone's busy...) then this is perfect for you! Get your groove on and dance with Stella! She is my best friend sometimes. She always tells me how great of a job I'm doing and that I look great. I love her. :-)
I think I'll attempt to take the recycling again soon. It really needs to get out of my trunk.
Have a nice weekend!
Yesterday, I woke up at 11:15. Whoa! I haven't slept in that long since high school, I think. It was kind of a bizarre feeling, because I woke up assuming it was about 8:30, but I quickly realized it was about lunch time. :-/ But it was ok. No plans, remember? So I ate a hearty breakfast and watched a LOT of TV. I watched a movie while I ate my breakfast. I never watch movies. But I happened to have rented one at a Red Box the day before, so I needed to watch it before 9pm. Then suddenly, 4 o'clock happened! So I decided I needed to be a functioning member of society and take a shower and get dressed and stuff.
My plan was to take out the trash, go to the recycling center, go to walmart, and then return the videos to the Red Box machine. I took out the trash, loaded all the recyclables into my trunk, grabbed my reusable bags, and set off! Too bad it was about 6pm when I rolled into the recycling place only to realize it closed at 5:30. Womp womp... On to Walmart. I got everything I needed and it all fit in my 2 reusable bags which made me happy :-) I have WAY too many plastic walmart-ish bags at my apartment. I mean, I use them as little trash bags and stuff, but I have SO many.
Anywho, after walmart, I wanted grab a healthy dinner and take it back home with me. I stopped at the drive-thru at Wendy's. I got a delicious pecan chicken salad. I asked for a baked potato, but they said it would be another 20 mins. Lame. Then the Red Box machine that I wanted to use was broken, so I had to drive out of my way to go to another one. So, I had 3 disappointments, but oh well! Overall, it was a pretty leisurely and productive day.
Today is Saturday. I woke up around 8:30 (typical). I ate some cereal and watched a little TV, and then I got into cleaning mode. I cleaned my bathroom, folded and put away some laundry, vacuumed the apartment and loaded the dishwasher. Not so bad. Then I wanted to do my 3rd Kim Kardashian DVD. It's the Butt Blasting Cardio Step DVD. I was going to try to do it without the step, since I don't have one yet, but I couldn't even get through the warm-up. It was just pointless without the step. I really need to get me one of those. Like, soon.

I think I'll attempt to take the recycling again soon. It really needs to get out of my trunk.
Have a nice weekend!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
God rested. I can rest, too.
So, last night, I decided it was a really bad idea to try to do the 3rd Kim Kardashian DVD. I could barely move from the two days prior and also I had a really bad headache. Don't worry, though. I'll do it tonight.
I'm feeling much better today! Still a tiny bit sore in this awkward muscle around my knee (random...), but I can pretty much walk at a normal pace again. Which is nice.
Last night, since I was resting from the DVDs I made sure that I at least did some crunches. No sense doing nothing! I also fixed myself a DELICIOUS supper. OK, it was actually breakfast, but it was at dinner time. I had pancakes, bacon and 2 fried eggs. Ohhhh man. It was sooo tasty! I haven't made bacon in about a thousand years. Last night, it was perfect! Mmm.
I also watched an episode of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" and "Toddlers & Tiaras." These shows are bananas. But I LOVE them. The pregnant show just gets me every time, because these women have so many signs that they are pregnant, but for whatever reason, they just don't think they are, then SURPRISE! Their water breaks and they have a new baby. Oh man. That's a tragedy. Luckily on the show, there have only been cases where the baby survives and is healthy and stuff. I mean, it might have to stay a little bit in the hospital, but there's never an episode where the baby has severe birth defects from malnutrition or improper maternal care or anything. I mean, that wouldn't make for very good television...
And "Toddler and Tiaras" is crazy. Some of those moms are ridiculous "pageant moms," but other times, they're just normal, good mothers who have fun with their little girls :-) I love that. Last night, there were 2 three-year-olds and a six-year-old. The 2 three-year-olds had those crazy moms who spray tan their kids and stuff, but the 6-year-old's mom was just wonderful. Their family has 4 boys (dad and 3 sons) and 2 girls (mom and daughter). The little girl likes to go fishing and stuff, but she LOVES to do pageants because she and her mom just get to be girly and fun together. And it was SO sweat, because at the pageant, she won Princess in her division, and the dad cried! He said, "Well, my little girl just won princess..." and got all teary-eyed. He was so proud of his beautiful little girl! It's moments like that that make me know it's ok that I watch a show like that, and that it's not just crazy parents trying to exploit their children. Not at all.
I wish I had done pageants as a little girl, but they're so expensive. Some of the moms spend WAY too much money on the glitz dresses and stuff. The good mom in last night's episode made the dresses herself. She said it saved her probably around $500 per dress making them herself.
You go, girl!
I'm feeling much better today! Still a tiny bit sore in this awkward muscle around my knee (random...), but I can pretty much walk at a normal pace again. Which is nice.
Last night, since I was resting from the DVDs I made sure that I at least did some crunches. No sense doing nothing! I also fixed myself a DELICIOUS supper. OK, it was actually breakfast, but it was at dinner time. I had pancakes, bacon and 2 fried eggs. Ohhhh man. It was sooo tasty! I haven't made bacon in about a thousand years. Last night, it was perfect! Mmm.
I also watched an episode of "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" and "Toddlers & Tiaras." These shows are bananas. But I LOVE them. The pregnant show just gets me every time, because these women have so many signs that they are pregnant, but for whatever reason, they just don't think they are, then SURPRISE! Their water breaks and they have a new baby. Oh man. That's a tragedy. Luckily on the show, there have only been cases where the baby survives and is healthy and stuff. I mean, it might have to stay a little bit in the hospital, but there's never an episode where the baby has severe birth defects from malnutrition or improper maternal care or anything. I mean, that wouldn't make for very good television...
And "Toddler and Tiaras" is crazy. Some of those moms are ridiculous "pageant moms," but other times, they're just normal, good mothers who have fun with their little girls :-) I love that. Last night, there were 2 three-year-olds and a six-year-old. The 2 three-year-olds had those crazy moms who spray tan their kids and stuff, but the 6-year-old's mom was just wonderful. Their family has 4 boys (dad and 3 sons) and 2 girls (mom and daughter). The little girl likes to go fishing and stuff, but she LOVES to do pageants because she and her mom just get to be girly and fun together. And it was SO sweat, because at the pageant, she won Princess in her division, and the dad cried! He said, "Well, my little girl just won princess..." and got all teary-eyed. He was so proud of his beautiful little girl! It's moments like that that make me know it's ok that I watch a show like that, and that it's not just crazy parents trying to exploit their children. Not at all.
I wish I had done pageants as a little girl, but they're so expensive. Some of the moms spend WAY too much money on the glitz dresses and stuff. The good mom in last night's episode made the dresses herself. She said it saved her probably around $500 per dress making them herself.
You go, girl!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Fit in [My] Jeans by Friday! Take 2.
Last night was take two of my Kim Kardashian workout DVD series. I busted a move to the upper body workout, also known as the "Amazing Abs Body Sculpt." I was a little under impressed that it was mostly just an upper body workout, rather than an ab workout like the title implied, but I dealt with that. And towards the end of it, there was a lot more ab focus, plus the 5 minute ab blast bonus at the end. It was worth it.
I really need one of those exercise step things. I told Jason he ought to get me one for my birthday, but he said it was not a good idea for boyfriends to buy exercise equipment for their girlfriends. I said, well maybe if the girlfriend asks for it, because she knows that the boyfriend has friends that work at a gym, and they might be able to make good suggestions about it or have a coupon, then it's ok. We'll see. Anyway, that's really the only piece of equipment that I need for these videos. Last night I was alternating between using the loveseat and the couch depending on the position and how much I needed to see the TV. Wish I had a step.
Old 6-Cheese and Tomato Basil came in handy again. They were a little heavier than I should have been working with, though. I probably should have used the tuna cans instead of the spaghetti sauce...
I'm still hobbling around like an old man today. My legs are SO sore, but it's the good kind. I was almost late to work this morning because it took me a really long time to climb the stairs to the library. haha! Pathetic. Hopefully after a good stretch tonight, I'll be better tomorrow :-)
I'm excited about these workouts still! The 3rd video is a cardio step video. You can do it just on the floor without a step, which is what I will have to do until I get one. Wish me luck. I hope I don't look like a buffoon.
I really need one of those exercise step things. I told Jason he ought to get me one for my birthday, but he said it was not a good idea for boyfriends to buy exercise equipment for their girlfriends. I said, well maybe if the girlfriend asks for it, because she knows that the boyfriend has friends that work at a gym, and they might be able to make good suggestions about it or have a coupon, then it's ok. We'll see. Anyway, that's really the only piece of equipment that I need for these videos. Last night I was alternating between using the loveseat and the couch depending on the position and how much I needed to see the TV. Wish I had a step.
Old 6-Cheese and Tomato Basil came in handy again. They were a little heavier than I should have been working with, though. I probably should have used the tuna cans instead of the spaghetti sauce...
I'm still hobbling around like an old man today. My legs are SO sore, but it's the good kind. I was almost late to work this morning because it took me a really long time to climb the stairs to the library. haha! Pathetic. Hopefully after a good stretch tonight, I'll be better tomorrow :-)
I'm excited about these workouts still! The 3rd video is a cardio step video. You can do it just on the floor without a step, which is what I will have to do until I get one. Wish me luck. I hope I don't look like a buffoon.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Fit in [My] Jeans by Friday!
Well, folks! My Kim Kardashian workout DVDs are HERE!!! I did the first one yesterday evening, and let me tell you. It was SO fun, and it was SO good! I really enjoy the fast-paced workouts and that they are designed so that you can pretty much do them anywhere, no equipment needed. At one point, they started using teeny tiny little weights (probably like 2 pounds), and I didn't have any, so I used the next best thing: jars of spaghetti sauce. I had 6-Cheese in my left and Tomato Basil in my right, and we were gettin' it!
These videos target different areas of the body using different styles of workouts. I did the lower body one yesterday, also known as the "Ultimate Butt Body Sculpt." And man, did it sculpt! Today, walking is not easy. And as the day progresses, my walking gets worse and worse. lol I might need some crutches here pretty soon!
Anywho, I'm really excited to see the results from these workouts. Today I plan to do the abs video in the evening. I'll let you know Friday if I can fit in my jeans! ;-)
These videos target different areas of the body using different styles of workouts. I did the lower body one yesterday, also known as the "Ultimate Butt Body Sculpt." And man, did it sculpt! Today, walking is not easy. And as the day progresses, my walking gets worse and worse. lol I might need some crutches here pretty soon!
Anywho, I'm really excited to see the results from these workouts. Today I plan to do the abs video in the evening. I'll let you know Friday if I can fit in my jeans! ;-)
Monday, July 5, 2010
Happy Birthday, America!
Well friends, yesterday was the 4th of July! Hurrah! That's my favorite holiday. I love summer, and I love being outside, and I love professional fireworks. lol (The at-home, do-it-yourself kind make me nervous...)
I'll say, this year was not my most fun 4th of July experience ever. I mean, church was great, and I saw some fireworks back in Bloomington, but I also had a 2.5 hour drive during the day, and I was kind of bored at the fireworks, unfortunately. It's sad because I think fireworks are romantic, and they have such potential to be excellent date experiences and stuff, but last night was just... disappointing. I guess it's tough when you're used to the fireworks that happen in Evansville at the river front, with the music and everything. And usually the remnants of the Freedom Festival in the background. These fireworks were at Sherwood Oaks, the church I go to, and they were just alright. There was no music. No food. Just fireworks. I also got a craving for Grandma's caramel corn. We used to have that at the fireworks every year growing up. It would have been really nice last night. I didn't even have one bag of popcorn at home! :-(
Today, I'm working. Pretty much everyone has today off at my work, except people who are staffed to work in the main library (because we staff it 24/7), and surprise surprise! That's where I work on Mondays. It's really slow now, and hardly anyone is here, and the 8.5"x11" color printer is not working. Awesome. I had planned to print out my update/"thanks again" letters for my supporters from the Honduras trip today, but those plans have changed. I have hardly any ink at home, so I can't print there, either. Black and white looks stupid because I have pictures in the letters. I guess I'll need to buy some more ink for my printer at home, but I need to wait until payday on Friday.
I ordered those Kim Kardashian workout DVDs last week, and according to the Postal Service website, they were delivered! Hooray! I really want to start them today. My hopes would be to do some blogging, and maybe some video blogging, about my workout experience. lol I want to be consistent. I have plenty of free time this summer, so I should be able to get plenty of exercise! Did I mention yet that I'm running a half-marathon in November? November 6, to be exact. I've never run ANYTHING before besides in gym class for tests. I'm really stinkin' nervous! But I'm also very excited! I don't care about how fast I finish or anything, I just want to finish and survive. That will be a real accomplishment for me.
I have an hour and a half left of work right now. So far, I haven't helped one customer. Because no one's here. Good times.
I got to visit with a lot of family this weekend. My cousins and aunt and uncle are in town (Evansville) from South Carolina! I haven't seen them in several years. The kids are so big! They're 17, 15 and 11 now. It's hard to think they're not in elementary school anymore! Ah! But it was really great to see them and to see how well they are doing, even if it was only for a day or two. :-)
My presentation at camp went very well! I was a little nervous beforehand, but everything went smoothly! I thank God for putting the right words in my mouth and for helping me to not be nervous. One of Ben's campers wrote a song about me. Because I'm hot. Score. *flips hair*
Ta ta!
I'll say, this year was not my most fun 4th of July experience ever. I mean, church was great, and I saw some fireworks back in Bloomington, but I also had a 2.5 hour drive during the day, and I was kind of bored at the fireworks, unfortunately. It's sad because I think fireworks are romantic, and they have such potential to be excellent date experiences and stuff, but last night was just... disappointing. I guess it's tough when you're used to the fireworks that happen in Evansville at the river front, with the music and everything. And usually the remnants of the Freedom Festival in the background. These fireworks were at Sherwood Oaks, the church I go to, and they were just alright. There was no music. No food. Just fireworks. I also got a craving for Grandma's caramel corn. We used to have that at the fireworks every year growing up. It would have been really nice last night. I didn't even have one bag of popcorn at home! :-(
Today, I'm working. Pretty much everyone has today off at my work, except people who are staffed to work in the main library (because we staff it 24/7), and surprise surprise! That's where I work on Mondays. It's really slow now, and hardly anyone is here, and the 8.5"x11" color printer is not working. Awesome. I had planned to print out my update/"thanks again" letters for my supporters from the Honduras trip today, but those plans have changed. I have hardly any ink at home, so I can't print there, either. Black and white looks stupid because I have pictures in the letters. I guess I'll need to buy some more ink for my printer at home, but I need to wait until payday on Friday.
I ordered those Kim Kardashian workout DVDs last week, and according to the Postal Service website, they were delivered! Hooray! I really want to start them today. My hopes would be to do some blogging, and maybe some video blogging, about my workout experience. lol I want to be consistent. I have plenty of free time this summer, so I should be able to get plenty of exercise! Did I mention yet that I'm running a half-marathon in November? November 6, to be exact. I've never run ANYTHING before besides in gym class for tests. I'm really stinkin' nervous! But I'm also very excited! I don't care about how fast I finish or anything, I just want to finish and survive. That will be a real accomplishment for me.
I have an hour and a half left of work right now. So far, I haven't helped one customer. Because no one's here. Good times.
I got to visit with a lot of family this weekend. My cousins and aunt and uncle are in town (Evansville) from South Carolina! I haven't seen them in several years. The kids are so big! They're 17, 15 and 11 now. It's hard to think they're not in elementary school anymore! Ah! But it was really great to see them and to see how well they are doing, even if it was only for a day or two. :-)
My presentation at camp went very well! I was a little nervous beforehand, but everything went smoothly! I thank God for putting the right words in my mouth and for helping me to not be nervous. One of Ben's campers wrote a song about me. Because I'm hot. Score. *flips hair*
Ta ta!
While the storm clouds gather far across the sea,
Let us swear allegiance to a land that's free,
Let us all be grateful for a land so fair,
As we raise our voices in a solemn prayer.
God Bless America,
Land that I love.
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home!
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