So, I decided to make a blog. Not sure why. I think I have a complex where I feel like people just desperately need to know what I think about things, or need to know what I'm doing in my life. This complex makes me get addicted to things like Facebook, text messaging, and Twitter. A blog is JUST what I need... :-P (I'm also addicted to emoticons.)
I also wanted to start a blog because I'm in a very great place in my life right now. I'm happier than I've been in a long, long time. This happiness is due to a number of things.
1. I'm Content With Myself: I think about my life, and I've come to understand the person who I am today. For a long time, I was awkwardly searching for my own personality, because I felt as if I had none. I was a chameleon and would adapt to the different situations I was in, and I would change how I acted based on the company around me. Don't get me wrong, it's a great skill to have to be able to adapt well to different situations, but I was confused. I would literally change how I talked, acted, the things I was most interested in, and my level of maturity to "fit in" with those around me. That's not cool. :-/ After a lot of self introspection, I've learned to appreciate my true personality. It might rub some people the wrong way, but I am who I am. If I am bold about who I am, and I commit to the true personality that I have, I can never go wrong. I will be happy with who I am. And that's all that matters. I've also become content with the direction I would like my life to go in. I was working for a long time towards a goal that didn't please me. After a lot of inward struggle, letting go of my stubbornness, talking to a few influential people, and prayer, I'm on the right track (educationally) to where I want my life to be in the future. I won't get into detail about it. If you know me, then you know the details. If you don't know me, then it's really not that important. Now, I'd like to put in a plug for Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life" book. I read that a few months ago, and it definitely sparked something within me to want to find that purpose in my life and to find that true happiness that everyone is so desperately in search of. It's a great 40 day journey into oneself. I (even as a non-reader) recommend it to EVERYONE. It's very much worth it.
2. I've Learned to Appreciate a Broken Past: You can't change your past. You can't change what has happened to you, who you've lost, what you've done that you wish you hadn't, and opportunities you missed out on. All you can do is learn from all of it, and move on. Press forward. Appreciate the things you've learned on this bumpy road called "Life" and try to improve your actions and emotions based on them. I've had a relatively decent past, but a few things in particular could have broken me down. Luckily I've been able to look back, assess, and move on with clear vision. I try not to have any regrets in my life. What happens, happens and what has happened is over and done.
3. I Have Found Love Again: With a heart as broken as mine was about a year ago, I thought I could never love another, and thought I'd never be loved by another again. Thank goodness I was wrong! My Jason is wonderful. I've never felt this connected to another person in my entire life. We just click! He has opened my eyes to new and wonderful things; he appreciates the little things I do for him, treats me exceptionally well, is open and honest with me about his feelings and emotions, and above all else, he makes me feel beautiful. Our personalities are so great together. He knows just how to make me *swoon* or to make me smile or laugh. ;P I love him for who he is, where he's been, what he's done, and how he makes me feel alive.
4. My God is Good: As undeserving as I am of God's love and forgiveness, he pours it out daily. He blesses me in more ways than I can imagine. I give Him thanks and praise for that. No matter what the circumstances, God's Spirit is right there with me, guiding me, protecting me, loving me. I'm not perfect, nor will I ever be, but having God's all-sufficient grace in my life is enough for me to be completely satisfied and happy with whatever is thrown into my lap. I've been blessed with an incredible family unlike any other, friends that don't see distance as a boundary, experiences that have shaped me, a healthy body, a roof over my head, an education in the works, a job with opportunity, food for my belly, and shoes on my feet!
Philippians 4:13 is a popular verse that always gets a lot of mileage ("I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"), but the verse before that (Philippians 4:12) is often overlooked and has really spoken to me a lot in the past year: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Being content. That's all a person ever needs, really. My God has blessed me with that. I have contention with my life at this point. And I'm thrilled about it.
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