Tomorrow evening, I'm presenting a little something at Camp for the Sr. High Mission Day. I'm going to talk about mission work and share some of my experience, especially some things from my last mission trip. I'm pretty excited. I'm also a little nervous, but I'm mostly just excited! Then I'm going to go home to Evansville after I present for the weekend. I have a haircut on Friday morning - nothing drastic, just a trim and some layers. Typical. Marly and I are going to go to Family Christian Store and The Vineyard to look for music and stuff for Music Workshop at MAD Camp which is ALSO in July! I'm very excited.
You know who I love? Those Kardashian sisters. I just love them! They crack me up! I love Khloe because she's a hot mess, I love Kourtney because she's sweet and a cute little mommy, and I love Kim because she's beautiful, and she can be pretty sensible sometimes. I just bought the 3-pack of Kim's workout DVDs because she tweeted a coupon code for $20 off! Yeah! I'll have my bikini bod back in no time! lol
RiverCity Faith Fest was last weekend. It was a HOT day, but I think everyone that was there was blessed by the event. I think for the festival next year, there are going to be some bigger and better plans! Hopefully the event will be free to the public, which would be awesome!
Jason got those pesky teeth pulled on Monday. He's recuperating quite well. I think it'll take a little while for his wallet to recuperate, though. :-/ However, I know he's so happy to have that wisdom tooth gone, and hopefully he'll complain a lot less! Ha!
I'll leave you with this verse. It is what I'm sharing with the campers tomorrow, and the same verse that Seth and Lauren spoke about at RiverCity Faith Fest:
Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." - Matthew 9:35-39